My nail care routine | How they grow long & strong*

After my crash and being in hospital. My healthy nails lost everything. Layers began to peal off like onion. If knocked slightly they would snap. They weren't growing very quick and had these horrible ridges along the centre. I think my entire body was run down and frankly i was feeling awful. So for around two months i have been changing things to get myself back in shape. So this post is all about how i got my nails back!

Firstly, i increased my amount of water. I wasn't drinking nearly enough and I was avoiding it if I'm honest as it took me roughly 15mins to get up to the toilet with my injuries. TMI? As i got stronger it got easier and i increased my water intake. This helped my skin improve a lot, especially the skin around my cuticles where they had began to peel like little whiskers.

I decided to set up a nail routine. The first thing i do is strip my nails down from whatever polish is on them. Next taking my scissors and nail clippers I cut all my nails back to one length. Keeping them relatively square and neat. Filing them now to make sure there were no sharp edges.

Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle remover has been in my beauty drawer for years and i couldn't recommend it enough. Squeezing a thin strip over every cuticle and after 15-20 seconds i go back and gently push them all back. The products softens and almost dissolves them so they are loose and easy to manoeuvre. I usually scrape away the excess skin and product, then washing my hands i go to the next step.

That's when i use my Micro Cell natural nail shine buffer*, but you can buy these in blocks in any drugstore. Firstly taking the rough side and sanding away the nail until its evenly covered. This creates a fair amount of dust. Then with the other side i buff then nail until its shining. If you do a good job it can look like your nails have clear polish on.

Next i have been using this Micro Cell nail repair treatment*, which has to be re applied every two days for up to 3 weeks. Now for me, this has created huge improvements in the condition of my nails. I've tried products like this before, but never on a strict time frame. Always here and there, but i really believe applying so often helps to repair the nail.
My first week of applications you could see the treatment settling in the grooves where the nail had pealed a layer off previously. The more often i applied, the less visible these were. The ridges have also cleared up and you can only feel them slightly now apposed to seeing them. You can use this treatment on its own, or you can apply it under nail polish if you want to. I've been sticking to natural shades lately like this Essie 'Muchi Muchi' nail polish. But to be honest, if you want best results there is no need to apply nail polish if you're re-applying treatment every two days.

Finally i will take a hand and nail cream and really massage into my fingers and around my nail beds. This helps strengthen the skin and regrowth of the new nail. My favourite is The Body Shop Almond hand cream. Its scent is sweet and yummy!

My nails are so strong now, if you push down on the tip it leaves a dent in your finger and the nail doesn't even wobble. As they grew longer i was able to shape them into the oval photographed above.

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