EVENT | LUSH Birmingham

Beauty Blogger event - 28th June, 2013

At the end of last month i attended a beauty blogger event in the Birmingham LUSH store. It was my first ever event to attend and the stores first event held. I was both nervous and excited and once i had tackled the new New Street station layout i arrived at the store.

Once inside we were given food made by The Warehouse Cafe, had a little icebreaker and then were split into partners. We were then given a talk on what was going to happen at the event and it basically revolved around their skincare products which i was more than delighted about as its an area of the store i sometimes overlook. 
In our partners one would receive a facial from the other, so i gave a facial to my partner, massaging off her makeup, toning and then moisturising. We were told the correct way of doing this which was good to know.

After the pamper session we watched a demonstration on how to make the face mask 'Catastrophic Cosmetic' which i have purchased a couple of times previously and enjoyed. It was interesting to see just how little products go into the mask and to feel the texture and smell the scent of each ingredient used.

After the night was over we got to chose one toner, moisturiser and cleanser of our choice and also received a pot of the face mask we seen demonstrated earlier in the night.
Cleanser: Dark Angels
Toner: Dream steam tab
Moisturiser: Enzymion

Unfortunately, me being me forgot to take along my camera and only took one photo on my iPhone so i have used photos from Hattie & Amy . Hope you don't mind girls. Check out the links to visit their posts on the night also!

If you want to hear more from this store they have a blog, twitter & Instagram

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