EVENT | 'Danger! Costmetics to go' book launch

19th November,13 - LUSH, Birmingham

Back in November I was asked to attend a blogger meet up in Birmingham. Of course i jumped to the chance and emailed back straight away! The email said it was to see the Christmas products as well as a book launch. Yes, a book launch! Being quite a book worm i was thrilled and couldn't think what the book would be about. (Blonde moment)
Once arrived we all piled in and were warmly welcomed by the whole team and I personally felt instantly comfortable. Usually with social events I'm the most awkward and quiet person there. The event was much more laid back and unplanned which is what i loved most. You had your own options of what you wanted to do, and what you wanted to look at. One on ones were given on products and we were shown demonstrations after demonstrations, which is what i love about lush. You get to try before you buy!

The author of the book Mira Manga was there which i was really excited about! We all got to talk to her about her book and she even signed a copy for us to take home! How lucky is that!! Costmetics to go is basically where Lush all began, and it did share many similarities as Lush promotes now such as ethical cosmetics.

At the end of the night we were all kindly gifted with a great whopping goodie bag. Which i couldn't be more thankful for. I had to literally run for my train and as soon as i dived on i started unpacking the bag on the floor (there were no seats i promise) i couldn't believe my eyes! The bag was jam packed full of Christmas goodies and much much more! The bag also included one of the two remakes of Cosmetics to Go which were made specially for the book launch. I got the 'lemon melt' shower jelly, which literally smells like lemon curd and anyone who knows me knows that i LOVE lemon curd.

I promised Mira i would take the book along with me to Wales and that's exactly what i did! The book is great, and after spending 23months writing it Mira should give herself a huge pat on the back. Its so colourful and eye catching. Each page is a new story and that's what i loved most, as you are able to quickly read a page, take the story in and move on when you're ready. Its perfect for travelling if you have to change train a lot! haha.
If you fancy buying yourself one, or treating a LUSH junkie you can get the Cosmetics to go book for £19.95 here.

Overall, i had a FAB night & Mira and the team did a fantastic job of hosting their very first book launch event! 

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