Cairo & Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

June 30th - July 14th, 2014 - Sharm el-sheikh

Now I'm slowing getting back into blogging, I wanted to blog about the year 2014 and fill in all the spaces that were left unfilled. Starting with mine & John's holiday to Egypt!
It was our first two week holiday away and you might call it our first holiday that was 'proper' and the plan was to spend it doing as we wanted. Which a couple days before the holiday i found out those plans had changed you could say, but the holiday was still on and i was determined to get a tan. Since Kos '10 i have been called a snowflake, all year...every year. Its a funny tale that gets re-told and the name managed to stick with me unfortunately. But as you might guess, i don't tan well..

It was both our first times in Egypt and we were un-sure of what to expect outside of the hotel but we took many excursions and enjoyed every one of them! You are also quick to learn that they drive like mad men over there, you constantly hear horns peeping. Where here when someone peeps, people look round.
We took the regular snorkeling day trip complete with food and three snorkel drop off points. Which to be honest with you i was SO nervous at the start. I tried snorkeling off our hotels jetty a couple of days before, and every time i went to put my head under the water i just panicked. The sea looks so dangerous, until you put your face under the water and your body and mind instantly relax. The high levels of salt within the Sea there means you don't have to be a strong swimmer, you can just float, with barely any movement and the fish come to you! I finally cracked it the day of the snorkel trip and managed to enjoy myself and spot some rays and hundreds of fish.

We took some trips to local mosques and christian churches which was really interesting. The level of detail in the church we visited was unbelievable. Every window was picture perfect and every inch of wall had a painting which told a story within the bible.

The best trip of all was a day in Cairo. It was John who wanted to go, and after speaking to a lady over breakfast about her visit she made me feel at ease with it. And so, we booked it!
The morning of the trip, whilst waiting for the bus to arrive two friends we had made on the holiday walked around the corner and they were coming on the same trip. This had us all in high spirits as neither of us knew, haha.

The flight was interesting... but once we were on our coach with our historian tour guide it was really, really good. We visited the museum where we seen Mummies and Egyptian relics. The museum was huge and still guarded by army tanks due to the riots some months previous. The guide said if we spent one minute looking at each item within the museum, it would take 6 weeks!
We also of course visited the pyramids, where you get hounded by men selling things. They see the bus park, and they are already outside heckling at you and they then walk along side you. Luckily the bus trip comes with security or a kind of body guard who carried a gun, which is both settling and unsettling. We had the chance to climb down inside a small tomb, climb up the steps of another and then have a photo taken of them in the distance which is the photo above of us both.
We then visited the Sphinx and later headed for TGI's on the River Nile before heading back to the return flight to Sharm el-sheikh. If you ever get the opportunity to take the trip with Thompson to Cairo, DO IT!!

We spent the rest of the holiday reading at the beach, drinking at the adults pool and just enjoying the food and each others company. The hotel we stayed at was amazing, and so big. You ride a golf caddy to your room...i know!

I'm so in the mood for a holiday now I've looked back through these photos. Yet I'm sat with my casted leg up on a stool in an awkward twisted position. Sob sob! Oh, and for the record. McDonalds deliver in Egypt <3

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