Barafundle Bay & Stackpole Quay, South Wales

For Johns birthday last year i was set to visit and really DID NOT prepare myself for the mini heat wave that hit. Absolutely beautiful weather means a road trip! We set out for a beach that one of his brothers always seems to mention. Saying that we need to visit as its just so amazing. So off we went.
The walk up to the beach in its self is breathe taking as you can see in the first photo below. High coastal views and untouched scenery. Picture perfect. Approaching the beach you see this wall of rocks, and to get down to the beach itself you climb down  some rather large steps which link on from the wall.

Yes, it is a hell of a walk along the cliff side with hilly parts, but so bloody worth it! It's almost a postcard photo from a Mediterranean island. We settled down with our picnic and sat there for a few hours until i began to burn. Shock horror snowflake can't handle the sunlight. And so, we set off for another location..
We parked up after spotting a tiny little pub and decided we needed to re-fuel. Once we had finished our pints we set off for the Eight arch bridge which is in Stackpole. A site which is now owned by the  National Trust which once stood a grand manner before it was demolished. Unfortunately before the National Trust owned it. 

The walk down to the bridge for me, was fun. With my usual childish ways (or maybe I'm a one pint wonder) i found myself swinging from some twine. As we carried on down the steep winding path we eventually had the bridge in site. Whenever i come across buildings or bridges people have built without machinery i always have a million questions to ask, with nobody to ask them. How? Just how? The views from the bridge either side were again, picture perfect and we found ourselves leaning on the sides relaxing and taking photos for well over an hour.

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